Monday, February 25, 2013

Wagon Diaper Cake

Hey guys!
Today is Monday, so it is CRAFTING day!!!!!

My craft today is a Wagon Diaper Cake! =o) I really don't like making traditional diaper cakes because I feel that they are boring. So luckily, Thom on youtube (OFallonMonkey) makes awesome diaper cakes. I attached the video, but she did leave out some parts. I make this cake for the SAC at my school. She is having twins, so I had to make it more neutral. It still turned out awesome!

2 foam poster boards
At least 50 diapers (size two)
4 Receiving blankets
1 spool of 2 1/2 in ribbon
1 spool of 1 1/2 in ribbon
1 teething ring
4 decorative flowers
Hot glue gun (and glue)
Roll from the side

She doesn't show you how to make the wheels, but I think it's because she has the instructions on other videos. If you don't want to sift through her videos to find how to, I am including some pictures.

I rolled the diapers up (open end first), tied them with rubber bands and then put six of them together.
Wagon from the top.
Here is the bottom of the wagon with the axles attached along with the wheels.

Here is the receiving blanket wrapped around the diapers.

One side finished.

Top view

Other side.
Then if you look at the pictures at the beginning, I put ribbons around and then I tapes and hot glued them.
Oh, also, instead of putting a receiving blanket at the "handle" (since mine came in a pack of four), I just used a ribbon. That way I didn't have to use pins to hold it down, and I could just use hot glue. I also didn't wrap the ribbon around the handle.

The rest of the directions Thom does it in the video.
If you have any questions, please let me know! =o)

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow my wife is going to have to do this for our daughter baby shower thank you 😀😀😀😀
