I actually put off getting Lexi to try fish because I figured, well if she doesn't eat chicken and tofu, she probably won't eat the fish. (Also, I didn't know how to store it, since it pretty much comes frozen uncooked anyway.) Boy was I WRONG! I made fish tacos one day and decided to give her some, without the coating. She gobbled it down like she's never eaten before! Of course I wasn't going to make battered fish tacos every time I wanted to make her fish, so I had to think of another way.
The tacos I made with cod, so I bought some more FRESH cod from the seafood department. I thought about baking them, which would have been fine, but I decided not to.
I just sprinkled some salt and pepper on the fish and lightly fried them in a pan. I broke up the pieces and gave them to her to eat. And again, she gobbled them up. I couldn't believe, but also was relieved, that she liked fish so much.
Since I didn't want to keep having to buy fresh fish every time I wanted to make fish for Lexi, I bought some frozen fish (which is just as easy). The only thing is that you need to defrost it first. No big deal since fish defrosts quick. I also bought frozen fish sticks to give to her as well. She doesn't like the breading, but it does give the fish a nice flavor.
Lexi has tried Atlantic cod, tilapia, pollock, and salmon.
A time frame on when to introduce fish to your baby is controversial, but I would wait till at least 8-9 months to give the baby fish JUST IN CASE. Luckily our families don't have a history of any type of shellfish/fish allergy, but I would just keep an eye out for this.
Another concern about fish is that some larger fish have a tendency to have a higher mercury count.
This is some information about fish that I found. (the Website:
Fish to Avoid
High mercury: Atlantic halibut, king mackerel, oysters (Gulf Coast),
pike, sea bass, shark, swordfish, tilefish (golden snapper), tuna (steaks
and canned albacore).
High POPs (PCBs are persistent organic pollutants (POPs),
which accumulate in animal fats.): Farmed salmon. Limit to once a month if pregnant/nursing.
Check TheGreenGuide.com for updates on POPs in other farmed fish.
Fish to Eat
The gift of crab.
Moderate mercury: Alaskan halibut, black cod, blue (Gulf Coast) crab,
cod, dungeness crab, Eastern oysters, mahimahi, blue mussels, pollack,
tuna (canned light). (Children and pregnant or nursing women are advised
to eat no more than one from this list, once a month.)
Low mercury: Anchovies, Arctic char, crawfish, Pacific flounder, herring,
king crab, sanddabs, scallops, Pacific sole; tilapia, wild Alaska and
Pacific salmon; farmed catfish, clams, striped bass, and sturgeon. (Children
and pregnant or nursing women can safely eat two to three times a week.)
Take note, though, that low-mercury but overfished or destructively harvested
species -- such as Atlantic cod, Atlantic flounder, Atlantic sole, Chilean
sea bass, monkfish, orange roughy, shrimp, and snapper -- should be avoided
for the environment's sake.
Low POPs: Wild Alaska and California salmon (fresh or canned).
So just be aware of the concerns when giving your child fish. Otherwise it is such a great source of protein, omega -3s, and much more nutrients for you and your child. =o)
Have fun eating!