The day started off a little chilly, but sunny, and a tad windy. So right there I was even more nervous about how Lexi was going to react. My friend, Melissa, and I (and her family) set up our beach spot while Lexi stayed in her stroller. Thankfully she was anxious to get out of her stroller, but she was also very tentative to the new experience and held on tightly to me at first. I put Lexi's feet in the sand at first, and she was not so happy about it. My first thought was "Oh great, I have a child who doesn't like the sand." Then I started thinking why doesn't she like it at the moment. It could be because it's not as stable as the floor and ground (since she just started walking), it's a weird texture, and there is so many other noises and new sensations going on at the same time. So I picked her up and we thought of something else. My friend's mom suggested that we put her on the blanket, and have her slowly start to experience the sand. (Thankfully she had experience with two children.Thanks Ellen!=o)) Melissa and I played with her, with Lexi's sand toys, and Lexi started to really enjoy the sand. Before you knew it she was digging holes with her hands and sitting in it! =o) Overall we had a GREAT beach day and Lexi had so much fun!
Now, getting to the actual point. (Now that the background info is done.) Since Lexi now was so acquainted with the sand, the problem was "How do I get sand off her without scratching her skin and dunking her in water???" Luckily, when Lexi and I went to the park on Friday (the previous day), a mom told me that the trick was to use BABY POWDER! I thought, "Wow, that's interesting and weird. And hopefully it works." So, packing for the beach day, I remembered to pack some baby powder, just in case.
With this new knowledge in hand, I tried it. And THANKFULLY, it worked like a CHARM!!! Not only does it get ALL the sand off wherever you put it, Lexi smelled WONDERFUL!!!
SO to all the MOMS out there, I know some of you already know this trick, if you need to get sand off of your child (or yourself) BABY POWDER IT UP!!!!!! (And just be wary of those pesky harsh chemicals! =o) (Refer back to the list I posted up a few weeks ago)
Enjoy the BEACH!!
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