So my mom gave me the idea to start blogging because 1) I am a new mom and 2) I cook everyday and 3) I make my own baby food.
My daughter, Lexi, was born April of 2011 [Thanks Laura for letting me know I messed up the year.. haha you would have thought I would have gotten that right after a year..!] and boy was I surprised at how much my mindset about being a mom changed. You may THINK you are ready for parenthood, but truthfully (in my opinion), no one is ever 100% ready to be a parent.
My husband and I got a wonderful puppy a month before we got pregnant, and we always said that he was good training to be a parent. This thought was somewhat true, but to tell you the truth, raising a dog is MUCH easier than raising a child. =o) We, or I should say I, got used to the late night fussing and constant attention giving that was needed. He, Nibbler (after Lord Nibbler from Futurama..the best show ever!), grew to be a 75 lbs LAP dog who loves to cuddle and play. We did have some worries that he would be jealous of the baby since he needed so much love and attention, but we made sure that he got enough attention as well. We got lucky that Nibbler is such a great dog, he is so careful around her, and loves his sister very much.
Immediately when I carried her in my arms for the first time, getting ready to nurse her, I thought to myself, "I am 100% in charge of what happens to this child... OMG..!!!" =o) [Of course that was not the ONLY moment I had a few mommy freak out seconds..haha and it won't every stop.] But I knew that I loved this child with all my heart and wanted nothing but the best things for her. Little did I know that my heart aches because of how much I love my daughter, in the best way possible. =o)
I knew that I was definitely nursing for as long as I could, and when she could eat food, I knew I wanted to make food for her. My friend, who also make her own food, explained how easy it was and gave me this great website to get started.
NO I did not buy a baby bullet, as fancy and as great as I've heard it is, I felt like it was a single function appliance that would take up precious room on my counter. So I purchased a small food processor (I have a cuisinart 4-cup food processor I bought from Costco), luckily I needed one anyway, and away I went with making my own homemade baby food.
I have been making baby food since my daughter was 4 months old, she is almost 1 year old (YIKES!), and haven't bought a single jar of baby food! My hopes is that I will be able to show and talk about how simple it is to make your own baby food that I will get some people to try it! If you like it great! If you feel you don't have time, that's okay too! I'm just hoping that you will give it a chance!
I have a few months to catch you guys up on, (months 4-now) about how Lexi did with the food. So keep reading my blog to see how it went! For now, I think I'm done talking (for now... haha =o))!
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