So my family has been taking advantage of this and went peach picking TWICE this summer!!!
Of course, we always pick too many but this time it was on purpose. Food Network Magsazine had their August/July 2013 edition feature peach recipes. Most of them were whole cakes, pies, etc, which look delicious, but with only one and a half (I typically don't eat too much of the sweets I bake), it is very wasteful to make a whole cake.
My husband recently tried to recreate his old boyscout dutch oven peach cobbler, with sort of success (The fire he had going was WAY too hot, and most of it got burnt. =o)). I said next time, I am making it MY way. =o) So my way was making mini peach cobblers so that we could share or freeze the portions much easier. (This way is also easier on our waistlines... lol)
Okay, so down to the actual recipe.
I used the recipe I found on pintrest, but of course made a few adjustments. Fresh peaches instead of Frozen and I added a crumb topping.
Mini Peach Cobblers: Recipe adapted from: The Savvy Kitchen

LINE muffin tins. (I did not do this and I found them to be VERY difficult to get out of the pans. So I highly recommend this step)
Put 1/2 teaspoon of melted butter into each regular size muffin tin.
With a wooden spoon stir together the sugar, flour, baking powder, salt and milk.
Put 1.5 tablespoons of batter into each muffin tin.
Add 1 tablespoon diced peaches on top of the batter.
Mix together the left over butter, brown sugar, cinnamon, and oats. Sprinkle 1-1.5 tsp of the mixture on top of each one. [If you don't like the crumb topping, you can skip this step if you'd like. I just REALLY love the crunchy topping.]
Bake for 24 minutes or until the tops are set and golden brown. (Turning once halfway through the cooking process.)
Let them cool almost completely (I put them in the fridge over night to let them set) before taking out of pan. Use a butter knife to loosen the edges then just lift them out. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.
Store in an airtight container.
These came out DELICIOUS. =o)
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